Thursday 17th November 2022
(Weather - Light rain and a moderate breeze.)
Writing a blog that nobody reads
At times, can be highly frustrating
But old bloggers like me need to dream constantly
As creating beats dating or mating

Friday 18th November 2022
(Weather – Wisley Lake 990mb rising.)
And if you are wondering who the couple above are they are a free image supplied by for old bloggers who like to dream about their youth. This is another one of Gloria with some cool dude on holiday in South Wales - a couple of 17-year-olds back in 1956. It was the year of smog, snow, Elvis hit the charts, no mobile phones, no Internet, no central heating, motorbikes with kickstarts and petrol was 4 gallons for £1 (or 5p a litre!).

Monday 21st November 2022
(Weather - Raining leaves.)
Dreaming again!
Wednesday 23rd November 2022
(Weather - Brighter later - about April!)
Today, dear reader, judging by the reaction I've had from Universities, Government Departments, Research Establishments, Port and River Authorities, Potential Investors and Industry around the globe I have decided that my proposal for generating energy from the tidal stream is 'game changing' but don't tell anyone.

Friday 25th November 2022
(Weather - Ridge of low pressure later.)
A month today it'll be Christmas Day
I wish I'd something profound to say
But I don't, so 'Meet the Team', OK
Just might be famous one day?
Saturday 26th November 2022
(Weather - Trough of high pressure later.)
And if the team look past it
And don’t respond when poked
It’s probably sheer exhaustion
Or maybe only soaked!

Sunday 27th November 2022
(Weather - Light rain showers and a gentle breeze.)
Apologies for the last couple of blogs, I was going to delete them but decided to leave them for posterity in case I need to check back what I was thinking about and what I looked like when I'm very old! Also, I did plan for this blog not to be introspective, but it looks like it's going that way - sorry. I'm also sorry that the planet seems to be heading for disaster but that can be easily stopped if you click HERE. You might think it's a bit complicated and it won't work but all you need to think about is a 6-foot diameter cog wheel turning at the same speed as the second hand on your watch which can't be stopped. Just think of the number of shavers, mobile phones, laptops and toothbrushes you could power, not to mention cars, trains, boats, busses, kettles and cookers. Seriously though, in order to get the generators started all you need is belief and perseverance. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of 8-year old's out there that could get it going - Lottie for one. And talking of a 6-foot diameter cog wheels there's one not far from here which still works, take a look HERE. I've recently applied to become a miller but not heard yet if I'll be accepted, probably not old enough! Keep you posted. Come to think of it Cobham has two working water wheels, there's another one in Pains Hill Park reputed to be the largest in the country and with a bit of modification it could power the local restaurant ovens, of which, there are plenty as you may well know. Click HERE to see the future of the planet.
Tuesday 29th November 2022
(Weather - Light cloud and dark winds.)
Not sure what to say today, except that the word in red above has been added by Lottie. So, along with faith, hope and charity you can add perseverance because it will bring results - eventually - proof to follow.
Wednesday 30th November 2022
(Weather - Rapid rise in pressure. Weather warning - Likely to cause periods of delusion in the elderly.)

Sunday 4th December 2022
(Weather - Pressure even higher leading to even more delusion.)
I am now not confident that my proposal for Tidal Stream Energy cannot fail to solve the world's energy problem.
Tuesday 6th December 2022
(Weather - Getting older sorry colder.)
And talking about getting some sleep or 'a good night's rest', weren't you? I can recommend 'Just One Thing' by Dr Michael Mosley available on BBC Sounds click HERE. He will have you drifting off in no time with scientifically proven sleep techniques ranging from 'Making friends with your bed', 'Breathing', 'Keeping Cool', 'Keeping Warm' and 'Seeing the Light'. Sweet dreams and thanks for not complaining about my 'poetry'. Love you lots, Bob.
Thursday 8th December 2022
(Weather - Today an occlusion will cause more confusion. )
Happy Birthday to a special person
Sixty years ago today
You were twenty five
You've not changed a bit since then
At least in many eyes
Christmas Cards
The cost of stamps are through the roof
They used to cost a penny
So now to save a bob or two
I'm not sending any
But if I had a decent car
Or a motor bike
I'd pop them round to all my friends
Cos the posties are on strike
I'd wish my friends good cheer
And a b*****y great New Year
They might say the same to me
And offer me a beer
And on the way back home
I'd sing in perfect pitch
But knowing me I'd sing too loud
And end up in the ditch
Sunday 11th December 2022
40C not long ago
Now it's minus five
If it carries on like this
How will we survive?
We'll buy a coat of sheeps wool
Be cosy all day long
Stand outside at night as well
Might even baa a song
And if you find it hard to sleep
Get up and make some tea
But that might not be a good idea
Could make you want to ***
Whoever dreamt up Rhymezone
Should be made to pay the price
For filling brains with rubbish
Instead of something nice.
Monday 12th December 2022
(Weather - Colder than a ****** **** etc.)
Now here's what you do to insulate your house. First buy some bricks made of sheeps wool, then build a temporary wall of wool on the inside of every external wall. Then remove it when the weather gets warmer - simple.

Tuesday 13th December 2022
(Weather - Cold snap developing into a much longer snap.)
The above idea is, of course, ridiculous and impractical but if you have a better idea let me know.
Went to see the Doc today
She said you've not much longer
Would you like a cup of tea
Or maybe something stronger
I said I'm very old and cold
That would be very nice
It might just cheer me up
But would it melt the ice
She said I'll hold you tight all night
And all day long as well
I said that's hardly ethical
She agreed but what the hell

Wednesday 14th December 2022
(Weather - Not mild but bitter.)
This is the time of year when I am at my most creative so, I've drawn 50 Christmas cards which look like this.
Impressed? It's a robin!
A very merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Your last blog was very moving
It nearly made me cry
Especially when romantic love's
Not found before you die
Your paintings are inspiring
Forever I'm in awe
I'll not forget the time we had
Back in'64
And now there is the future
Which will inspire as well
So Oxshott Woods be ready
For lots more tales to tell

Friday 16th December 2022
(Weather - Freezing.)
Those of us who are eighty plus
Have seen it all before
Strikes, unrest and tragedy
Not forgetting war
Democracy autocracy
None seems to work too well
So why not scrap the borders
That give rise to hell
We can learn a lesson from the birds
That fly high up in the sky
Free to roam and free to choose
Might be worth a try

Saturday 17th December 2022
(Weather - don't ask.)
Another funeral yesterday
Old friends now are few
Very sad this time of year
Lucky I've got you
Thursday 29th December 2022
(Weather - Sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.)
If by chance it's your birthday today
I'd love to give you a hug
But all I can offer is a cup of tea
In an Oxshott Village Sign mug
And if you really, really would like one
Then pop into Bob's shop over HERE
Enjoy tea or coffee or cocoa or milk
Or whiskey and water or beer
I'm sorry if you find them too pricey
Not much that I'm able to do
I'll pop in to see you tomorrow
Only fifty eight years over due
Google thinks it knows what you're thinking
But it bloody well hasn't a clue
If you ask it take you to Oxshott
It will take you to Chessington Zoo
And if you ask Alexa to tell you
How the hell can we generate power
She'll tell you to buy some more petrol
Not a clue about kilowatt hours

Friday 30th December 2022
(Weather - More heavy rain and a moderate breeze in the trees.)
I first came across the binary code way back in '61
As you probably know it reduces everything to simply - a zero or one
And now if we're not careful we won't be too cheerful when we are reduced
To simply a thumb
No more silly rhymes this year
I'm told they're much too mucky
I'm busy drawing birthday cards
You'll get one if you're lucky
So let me know your date of birth
And how old you think you are
I'll sing you happy birthday too
Accompanied by my guitar?
Sunday 1st January 2023
(Weather - Mild for the time of year.)
You'll be pleased to hear that I've resolved to pack up writing silly rhymes
And stop annoying you as well but resolutions are hard to keep
So I wish you a very happy New Year
Health and wealth and peace but most of all a good nights sleep
Thanks for visiting.
And now if you wish you can turn to Page 34
CONCEPT & WEB DESIGN © 1995-2023 Robert C Jones