Tuesday 16th August 2022
(Weather - Storms on the horizon.)
Reluctantly, I have put this painting on Ebay.
Why? Because it is a commissioned painting by V. Gregory c1972 and is a view of Mount Rainier, Washington State, USA painted from one of my photographs and I would like somebody else to enjoy it. It's on an auction ending on August 22nd, so be quick. HERE
Wednesday 17th August 2022
(Weather - Oppressive.)
To remain optimistic
When everything's dark
Just get on get on a plane
To Yosemite Park
If that doesn't work
To make it all right
Then get out your paint brush
And paint something bright
And if that doesn't work
Try reading this HERE
You'll find it inspiring
A bit like Shakespeare!
Friday 19th August 2022
(Weather - Brighter than a ......)
Yesterday, I flew a North American Harvard out of Fairoaks, did a few aerobatics, frightened the neighbours and was escorted back to Fairoaks by a couple of red Hawker Hunters. Then I jived around the dancefloor to Glen Miller with Deborah Kerr and then jumped into bed with her. Was I watching Reunion at Fairbororough or was it the Tamnavulin?
Saturday 20th August 2022
(Weather - No complaints.)
100 years ago my father was 12 and my mother was 16. WW1 was recent history, WW2 was in the distant future and horses and carts were the norm' for local transport.
100 years in the great scheme of things is less than a blink of an eye, right?
Just wondering.
Tuesday 23rd August 2022
(Weather - 9 rain drops but lovely later.)
Thanks for visiting, not much to report today except another eye injection for ARMD which didn't hurt much, made a few customers very happy on Ebay, you can check HERE if you don't believe me, pulled up a few weeds and the dreamy artwork on your right is not for sale. Thanks G.
Wednesday 24th August 2022
(Weather - Today, in the North, South, East and West it will be fine. Elsewhere it will be happy later.)
Today, I penned another rhyme
But it's much too good to publish
So, I'll leave it for another time
In case you call it rubbish
Thursday 25th August 2022
(Weather - The sound of happy rain returns.)
Keen followers of this inspiring blog, of which you are the only one, will know that on Page 1 is the story of 'The APO' (Thursday 25th June 2015). Yesterday I found hundreds of them in the shed so I've put them (one at a time) on Ebay for all to enjoy click HERE to bid.
Saturday 27th August 2022
(Your weather today depends on atmospheric pressure, humidity, jet streams and where you are so expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.)
This blog has recently been described as 'delightfully bonkers'. Thanks Cherry.
Sunday 28th August 2022
(Weather etc.)
Today I wrote another story
But nobody yet has seen it
Dynamite, describes it best
But I didn't really mean it
If you really want to read it
And your name's like Scarlotina
Then let me know your email
And we'll play the concertina
Monday 29th August 2022
(Weather - spectacular.)
Now this is serious, I have redesigned my proposal for generating electricity from the tidal stream. The cables and drive system are based on the same technology as any mine shaft, ski lift, cable car drive or even the San Francisco cable car system would be an example. Revolutionary?
Wednesday 31st August 2022
(Weather - Calm with still periods.)
If you were an alien approaching the Earth
You would notice the moon pumping water
If the natives can’t see the power of the sea
Then they surely should blinkin’ well oughta
Friday 2nd September 2022
(Weather - Still still with calm periods.)
Hopeless if you are relying on wind power to make a cup of tea or burn your toast etc. But the tide is still on the move!

Saturday 3rd September 2022
(Weather - Mostly the same.)
Apologies if you are beginning to feel a bit seasick but you'll get used to it. I know you will be interested to know where I am with my
The answer is nowhere. Despite sending the idea to every company in the field (globally), every research establishment, every government department in the world (except Russia and China although having said that I've had 'hits' from Russia and China) every journalist, every newspaper and every dragon in Dragon's Den the idea has been ignored by most, ridiculed by some, completely misunderstood by some and , yes, even praised by a few and wishing me good luck but zero advice, money or help on what to do next.
So, I'm sorry if you can't afford to make a cup of tea because energy is too expensive but it's not my fault, I did try. It seems to me that millions are being poured into the most ridiculous ideas for generating electricity imaginable when the most blindingly obvious, staring you in the face, simple, cheap, efficient idea is being ignored.
I’ll go back to designing soap boxes for Lottie.
Sunday 4th September 2022
(Weather - Bright periods during the day followed by dark periods during the night.)
My reference to feeling seasick above only occurs if you are viewing this on a laptop, you won't feel sea sick if you are on a mobile (cell) phone.
Unless you are on a boat!
Wednesday 7th September 2022
(Weather - Autumn already.)
Yesterday, I didn't tread on a slug even though I normally would. Why? Because it was gliding across my path effortlessly, it's antenna were working overtime and it's been doing it for a few thousand million years so I guess treading on it wouldn't be kind so I drew another birthday card instead inspired by the slug.

Friday 9th September 2022
(Weather - Sad.)
I'd just like to thank Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who sadly died yesterday, for being there, taking up the role and endlessly drumming up business for Britain.
As someone who struggled to get used to the idea of singing 'God save our gracious Queen' in 1952 when King George VI died. Today, we can sing 'God save our gracious King' once again. Thank you to Royal families for a few days without politics.
Another sad story is that the lovely painting at the top of this page which I sent to an Ebay customer has been ‘damaged beyond repair’ by Evri (The new Hermes) courier but if you can get any response from Evri let me know.
‘Evri thing about Evri is rubbish’ according to somebody on Trustpilot.
Sunday 11th September 2022
Weather -
The autumn mists appear again
Like haze upon the crown
They're water droplets hanging there
That might go up or down
Tuesday 13th September 2022
(Weather - Respectful.)
Enjoy your day as best you can
As if you're eighty-three
And if you can you'll know for sure
How it feels to be like me
Wednesday 14th September 2022
Weather -
The warmth disappears, the light disappears
And the nights get increasingly longer
So jump on a train or maybe a plane
And buy a cheap ticket to Tonga
December 1939
CONCEPT & WEB DESIGN © 1995-2022 Robert C Jones